Image by Nana Gyamfi

"Can We Talk" Campaign

Our "Can We Talk?" mental health awareness campaign is designed to dismantle the stigma surrounding mental health issues and promote open and honest discussions. Many individuals grapple with feelings of shame or embarrassment about their mental health struggles, often preventing them from seeking support. This campaign endeavours to shatter these barriers and foster a nurturing environment where individuals can freely address their mental health concerns. It underscores the significance of engaging in conversations about mental health and highlights the power of connection and communication. By sharing our mental health journeys with others, we contribute to reducing stigma, enhancing awareness, and encouraging individuals to seek assistance when necessary. .

The "Can We Talk?" theme encourages individuals to initiate discussions with their loved ones or mental healthcare professionals and inquire about their well-being. Starting conversations about mental health can be challenging, but this simple phrase serves as an icebreaker, conveying our care and concern.


In essence, the campaign strives to stimulate dialogues about mental health, eradicate stigma, and cultivate a more supportive and empathetic community.


The "CAN WE TALK?" initiative was conceived through a collaborative effort between Vire Agency and Kingcapture Multimedia. On May 28th, 2023, this campaign was launched at Morgan International School, graced by the presence of the school's head and numerous educators. The primary aim was to address the mental health of students and establish a platform for open communication between students, teachers, and mental healthcare professionals. The launch event was packed with activities, including a talk show featuring keynote speakers such as Jesse Dzidzorli Blakor, a licensed clinical psychologist from the Department of Psychiatry at Korle-Bu and International Maritime Hospital, and Bernard Selikem Dzakpasu, a senior associate at KPMC. The panel also featured Dr. Jemima Klenam Ahlijah, a medical doctor at Accra Psychiatric Hospital, and Gyidi, a singer and songwriter. Apart from the insightful discussions, the launch featured an art competition with a cash prize, music and spoken word performances by students and artists, and a crucial lecture on mental health.

The event profoundly impacted both students and teachers, fostering an environment where students felt comfortable opening up about their mental health concerns. Numerous students sought consultations with the psychologists present, indicating the success of our mission to break down the walls of silence surrounding mental health. In summary, our "Can We Talk?" mental health awareness campaign is dedicated to fostering openness, reducing stigma, and creating a caring and understanding community where mental health is acknowledged and supported.